Each year the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, we observe a Two Minute Silence. Armistice Day on 11th November marks the end of the First World War and is a day to remember and honour those who have paid the price for our freedom. It is a day about paying tribute not only those who died but also to their families, those who were injured and those who survived.
The poppy was adopted as a symbol of Remembrance after the First World War. When the children were younger, we would arrange play days with their friends and sit and make lots of things with poppies on. I always thought it was such a great way to sit and teach them the importance of Remembrance Day and feel proud to wear the items they made alongside the traditional paper poppy they usually got from school. The children grew up and play dates stopped happening but they never forget the importance of the day. I still create something or another with a poppy at this time of the year that I can wear and/or put on my worktable. I love poppies and are really special to me on a personal level.

So today, let's create something with poppies on. I fell in love with the Art Nouveau Poppies Groovi Plate Set (http://www.claritystamp.co.uk/Groovi/19357-/Art-Nouveau-Poppies-Groovi-Plate-Set) the minute I saw them and have been dying to use them. Today I had a day at home so was determined to create something special while I had a chance and share the step by steps if you are interested in creating it too.
1.) With the matt side down, emboss the outline of the poppy design and circle on red parchment using the No.1 embossing tool from the Art Nouveau Poppies Groovi Plate A5 Square. Front will look like this :-
2.) Emboss the outer two squares from the Square Nesting Groovi A5 plate so the poppy design sits on the right hand side on the square (you can have it on the other side if you wish) on the back. Front will look something like this :-
3) On the back, on the left side emboss a border of poppies from the Art Nouveau Poppies Groovi Border Plate so the front looks like this :-
4.) In the space between the inside square and the round poppy design emboss using the Large Lace Netting Groovi Plate A5 Square. Front view is :-
5.) Let's put some lace work in the square border. I choose to use the Straight Border Pattern Piercing Grid No. 2. I used the border that fits perfectly in the double outline. From the front, start with perforating with the 1-needle tool the squares without the middle perforation (if that makes sense).
6.) Remove it from the border plate, turn the parchment over to the back and line up the holes on the Straight Basic Piercing Grid A5 Square and emboss the hotes between the squares using the No.2 embossing tool.
7.) On the front, perforate the zig-zag border from the pattern piercing plate outside the outer square.
8.) On the A5 piercing grid, on the back, emboss the holes in between the perforations.
9.) I wasn't going to put colour on this piece but then changed my mind and coloured the poppies, leaves and stems in the circle and the border on the left from the back using distress markers.
10.) Using the 2-needle tool, from the front, perforate between the border poppies design in the sections in the circle design that were not coloured.
11.) Cut between all the perforations using parchment scissors or snips (Perga Cutters).
12.) Mount the piece on 14.5cm square Red Parchment (glossy side is up), 15cm square white card, and 15.5cm square black card using brads. Stick this piece on a folded 17.5cm square white card.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. All plates, tools, papers, card are available from http://www.claritystamp.co.uk.
Love and Laughter