Good Afternoon.
Have you seen the new Groovi plates and aren't they beautiful? We could have so much fun with them. Demos by Maria and all the beautiful inspiration from the design team always leaves me in awe at not just how amazing everyone's creations are but how the same Groovi plates can be used in so many different ways depending on how everyone interprets them. I love the fact that with this system, parchment craft has become so much more accessible and easier to use by everyone and also with it you become the designer of your creations.
Today, I will go through the steps of this cat and fish card. I see this pair as friends and believe the cat is looking out for his little friend.

All the embossing and colouring on this card has been done on the back and the perforating and cutting from the front.
1.) Emboss the largest square from the A5 Nesting Squares plate followed by the cat from the A5 Feline Delights - Cat Back plate and the second largest square around the cat. This photo is what it looks like on the back of the card.
2.) To put the drapes and curtain, emboss the designs from the A4 Oooh-La-La Knickers plate that was designed by the lovely Linda Williams and the A5 Large Lace Netting plate. You can have so much fun with the set of Oooh-La-La Knickers and Bra plates and they are jam packed with so many designs that can be used on other Groovi designs that for me it a must have.
3.) Emboss the fish bowl from the A5 Meow plate on a side table created with A5 Nesting Square plate for the table top, frilly dangle with the A4 Oooh-La-La Knickers plate and the base stand with the A6 Vases plate.
4.) Emboss in the drapes, curtain, bowl, side table with shader tools, Pergamano 6mm and 4.5mm ball tools and Groovi no. 3 and 2 ball tools.
5.) On the side table base stand, emboss dots from the A5 Diagonal Basic Piercing Grid. Between the double square outline, emboss the flower design which is the 4th one on the Diagonal Border Pattern Piercing Grid 1 border plate.

6.) Colour the design on the back using Distress Markers. To choose what colours I wanted to use, I decided on my backing paper first and then picked the pen colours that matched the backing paper.
7.) Perforate (sorry I forgot to take a photo of the perforating step) using a 2-needle perforating tool between the embossed sections on the curtain. On the frilly part of the curtain and on the table cloth, perforate with a 1-needle perforating tool in each of the the 3 white embossed circle-y bits (couldn't think of what to call them and am hoping you can see which bits I trying to say. Lol). Cut between all the 2-needle perforations with parchment scissors or Perga Cutters.
8.) On the excess part of the parchment, emboss the ribbon from the A4 Oooh-La-La Knickers plate, Perforate around the bow with the 2-needle perforating tool and cut between the perforations.
9.) To finish, cut outside the square and mount it on a backing paper from the Northern Lights Designer Pack and black card using brads. Stick this whole piece on folded white card. Stick the cut out bow on the curtain with a tiny dot of Perga Glue or Pva glue that dries clear.
These are the other 3 samples I made with the new Groovi plates for the show.

I had a really 'Mice' time making them and 'Fishing' I had more time to play.
All plates available from Enjoy.
Love and laughter